
Adult ADHD Assessments – Available from April 2024

As there are various symptomatic overlaps between ADHD and other conditions, such as anxiety or personality disorders, and the potential for medication interactions, we strongly recommend that adults seek assessment with a psychiatrist.

It is advisable to discuss this with your GP and obtain a referral to the psychiatrist. Some psychiatrists may need additional information for a diagnosis, which could involve information-gathering interviews and psychological assessments.

If you are seeking interviews and psychological assessments, please ensure you have a referral from your GP and have a booked appointment with a psychiatrist before scheduling an appointment with us.

Autism Assessments – Available from October 2024

A comprehensive assessment for autism spectrum disorder typically includes:

Paediatrician’s Assessment:
Evaluation by a paediatrician to assess developmental milestones, health, and overall well-being.

Cognitive Assessment:
Examination of cognitive abilities to understand the individual’s intellectual functioning.

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS):
A crucial tool in the diagnostic process, ADOS involves a series of structured tasks scored against standardised criteria to observe and assess behaviours associated with autism spectrum disorder.

Speech Therapist’s Assessment:
In some cases, a speech therapist may be involved in assessing communication skills and language development.

Currently, our focus is on providing the ADOS autism assessment and gathering essential information as part of the assessment process. This approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s strengths and challenges related to autism.