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Links & Helpful Resources

There are a number of Apps that are developed or being developed to help manage your mental health. Many of these Apps are for anxiety and stress relief. Simply type what you are looking for into the search bar such as ‘Anxiety’ or ‘Stress’.

Apps can be found and downloaded from Apple phones or tablets App Store or Android phone or tablets
Google Play Store
Apple App Store

Some App suggestions:

Mood Tracker: Self-Care Habits – Emotion tracker is a mental health tracking tool that helps you see the daily mood tracker patterns of what else is going on when you’re feeling irritable, …

Mood Notes – A super easy mood tracker & journaling app to capture your mood and help you improve your thinking habits

Breathe2relax -provides instructions for deep breathing exercises that can help reduce stress. Deep breathing has been shown to improve mood 

Stop Breathe and Think – Want to meditate but aren’t sure where to start? This app is great for beginners and offers simple ways to begin your practice.

ACT Coach – It offers exercises, tools, information, and tracking logs so you can practice what you’re learning in your daily life. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

MindshiftManage your anxiety, relax & be mindful – Break free from anxiety and stress using this free evidence-based anxiety management app. MindShift CBT uses scientifically proven strategies based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

CalmSleep, Mindfulness, Stress & Anxiety – This app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. Relax your mind, and wake up as the person you want to be.
Note: this is an auto-renewing monthly subscription around $12.99 per month

3D Brain (29 brain structures) Information on functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to research. Discover how each brain region functions and what happens when it is injured.

Calm Harm is a mobile application that provides tools, techniques and activities to help you manage and resist the urge to self-harm.

Beyond Now – If you or someone close to you is considering suicide, a safety plan can be a reminder of the reasons to live and ways to stay safe. Beyond Now was developed by Beyond Blue and Monash University in collaboration with people who have experience with suicidal thoughts or a suicidal crisis.

Smiling Mind: Mediation App – Programs in the app are underpinned by mindfulness and positive psychology strategies and designed to build mental fitness and resilience; support good sleep, study and sports training; reduce stress and improve relationships; and promote the development of new social and emotional skills. Whether you have half an hour, or just a couple of minutes in the day, you can learn, build and practise the skills to build mental fitness and improve your mental health anytime, anywhere . Find programs tailored for children aged 3 years and older, young people and adults as well as dedicated family programs.

One Giant Mind – Learn to meditate in 12 easy steps, then take the 30 day challenge to make meditation a daily habit.

Colorfy is a art and colouring game designed to help you relax your mind, and have fun. The colouring game comes in the form of a painting book with several designs to choose from. You will find complex and simple art such as mandalas, animals, patterns, and florals in the colouring book.

What’s Up is a wellbeing phone app offering 24/7 safeguarding, wellbeing and emotional health support. Features include: Rate your mood, Personal journal & Inspirational notifications.


** Please note that we are not advertising or endorsing any of these Apps**